~ Knowledge is embodied in people gathered in communities and networks. The road to knowledge is via people, conversations, connections and relationships. Knowledge surfaces through dialog, all knowledge is socially mediated and access to knowledge is by connecting to people that know or know who to contact. ~ by someone I don't know (just being honest)

While exploring different tools in Adobe Omniture Suite, I am finding a new piece of information everyday which I'd like to share with you all. Hope you all find these informative and don't hestitate to pass your invaluable feedback. Enjoy!!!!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Bounce Rate - SiteCatalyst vs Discover

Have you tried calculating Bounce Rate both in Site-Catalyst and Discover and wondered why the two are different for a same page?
This brings another interesting fact, SiteCatalyst provides Single Access Visits but Discover has Single Page Visits. Did you notice the difference? Yes, its Access vs Page. So are these 2 metrics different?
Difference is a little more than just metric labelling, as I explain below:

Discover defines a single page visit as a visit where only one server-call being made by the visitor....while SiteCatalyst considers a single access as only one page being visited..... ahhh please clarify more.

It is possible to visit only a single page but still have multiple server-calls if:
  •  page is reloaded
  • AJAX calls on page which are Omniture tracked
Therefore if a page is reloaded or an AJAX call is made on a page in a visit and if this is the only visited page, this will not appear in Discover un Single Page Visit but in SiteCatalyst it will have its Single Access Visits counted incremented by 1.

So as a result, Discover may have lower number of Single Page visits than SiteCatalyst and hence lower bounce rate for a single page.

So what should we use? Good question (yeah, asking questions is good), I suggest using SiteCatalyst as its Single Access visit is closer to definition of a bounced visit by WAA : -For a bounced visit, the entry page and exit page are the same page. Discover, even if a same page is entry and exit page, will not consider it a bounced visit because of reasons explained above.


  1. Very good information.Thanks Rajneesh.
    Application Development

  2. Thanks just what I was looking for trying to complete a report at 12:01 am :)

  3. Know More About Bounce Rate vs Exit Rate Here


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